Scholarships in Singapore 2022-2023 | NTU Singapore | Fully Funded Scholarships

Scholarships in Singapore 2022-2023 | NTU Singapore | Fully Funded Scholarships

Applications are now open for the Nanyang Scholarship in Singapore for the Academic Year 2022. The NTU Scholarship Singapore is a Fully Funded Scholarship for Bachelors, Masters, and PhD degree programs. Nanyang Technological University Scholarship is divided into two different Scholarship Programs. The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship is for Full-time Masters, PhD. Degree Programs and Nanyang Scholarship is for Undergraduate Programs.

The NTU Comes in Top Universities of Singapore. The Nanyang University Scholarship is available in All-Academic Fields/Majors. The Scholarship is Funded by the Nanyang University. The maximum period of the Scholarship is 2 years for Master’s candidates and 4 years for Ph.D. candidates and 4 Years of BS Candidates. You can apply to NTU Research Scholarship, Nanyang Scholarship, and Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship.


There are Many Scholarships in Singapore Without IELTS. You can Study in Singapore Without IELTS in Singapore Universities. There is no restriction as to the nationality of candidates. As well as there is no bond attached to the scholarship. Some of the Great Scholarships are open from the President of Singapore. The Full Detailed information about the Nanyang Scholarship 2022 is available below.

Details About Nanyang Scholarship 2022

  1. Scholarship Country: Singapore
  2. Degree: Bachelors, Masters, PhD
  3. Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
  4. Deadline30th November 2021

Nanyang University Scholarship Benefits

The Nanyang University offers the Full Scholarship for Undergraduates and Graduates. There are also External Organisations through which you can get a scholarship to Study at Nanyang University.

For Undergraduates:

  1. Full coverage of subsidised tuition fees (after Tuition Grant).
  2. Living allowance of S$6,500 per academic year.
  3. Accommodation allowance of up to S$2,000 per academic year.
    (Applicable to scholarship holders who reside in NTU hostels only.)
  4. Travel grant of up to S$5,000 for an overseas programme subject to terms and conditions in the Travel Grant Form.
  5. Computer allowance of S$1,750 (one-off).

For Graduates:

Available Fields of Study

Graduate Programmes:

  1. Asian School of Environment
  2. Graduate College
  3. Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
  4. National Institute of Education
  5. Nanyang Business School
  6. School of Art, Design and Media
  7. School of Biological Sciences
  8. School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
  9. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  10. School of Computer Science and Engineering
  11. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  12. School of Humanities
  13. School of Materials Science and Engineering
  14. School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  15. School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  16. School of Social Sciences
  17. Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
  18. S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies

Undergraduate Programs

  1. ​​​​​​​​​​Accountancy and Business ​
  2. ​​​​​​​​​​Art, Design & Media ​
  3. Communication Studies
  4. ​​​​​​​​​​Education ​
  5. ​​​​​​​​​​Engineering ​
  6. ​​​​​​​​​​Humanities ​
  7. ​​​​​​​​​​Medicine ​
  8. ​​​​​​​​​​Science ​
  9. ​​​​​​​​​​Social Sciences ​
  10. ​​​​​​​​​​Sport Science ​

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Open to all nationalities.
  2. Excellent co-curricular records.
  3. Strong leadership qualities and potential.
  4. You must have a Honours (Highest Distinction) or equivalent at Bachelor’s level
  5. If you have not yet completed your undergraduate degree program, you will need to furnish documentation from your university that you are on track to get a Honours (Highest Distinction) degree or equivalent.


The last date to apply for the Nanyang University Scholarship 2022 is 30th November 2021 for Academic Year 2022-2023

How to Apply:

The Application Link is Online. Please Apply through Online Link. To Apply, Please Visit the Official website of the NTU University Singapore Scholarship. For

 Bachelors Visit Here

 For Graduates Visit Here


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