Studying in the Netherlands: 2023 Erasmus University Rotterdam Is Accepting Applications For International Student Scholarship

Studying in the Netherlands: 2023 Erasmus University Rotterdam Is Accepting Applications For International Student Scholarship

The Erasmus University Rotterdam Scholarship is intended for foreign students from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) who desire to study in the Netherlands for a bachelor's or master's degree.
Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science together fund the Erasmus University Holland Scholarship. Students from the EU nations, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, are not eligible to apply. The scholarship is worth € 10.000.
Scholarship Information: Erasmus University Holland Scholarship recipients should be informed that the scholarship is only valid for one academic year and that they may only obtain it once.

The scholarship will be provided only if the candidate begins the same program for which he or she applied and was accepted. It is not feasible to change programs after receiving a scholarship.

Every year, the number of applications received surpasses the number of available scholarships. When the aforementioned minimal application conditions are satisfied, no rights can be obtained.

To be able to grant scholarships to as many applications as possible, only one type of scholarship will be awarded to one applicant. This implies that you may apply for numerous scholarships; but, combining multiple scholarships will not result in an award.

If the candidate fails, Erasmus School of Economics maintains the right to revoke the Erasmus University Holland Scholarship offer.

Scholarship Requirements: 
In order to be eligible for financial assistance through an Erasmus University Holland Scholarship, a candidate must:

  • Must be a citizen of a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Must have never before been enrolled as a full-time student at a Dutch educational institution.
  • Must be chosen for one of the following* programs:
  • Bachelor of Science in International Economics and Operations Research
  • Bachelor of International Economics and Bachelor of Business Economics
  • BSc2 double major in Econometrics and Economics
  • To be eligible for the scholarship, you must have enrolled for one of the above-mentioned bachelor programs at Erasmus School of Economics in StudielinkOpens external and submitted your application materials in the EUR Application Portal by March 1st.
  • If deemed to be mathematically incompetent throughout the bachelor application process, you must pass the mathematics entrance exam in either February or March.
  • He or she must have received great academic grades during his or her high school studies. This translates to a final grade of at least 8.5 on a scale of 1-10.
  • Must be able to explain why this scholarship would improve his/her chances of attending Erasmus School of Economics by sending a complete financial statement outlining your financial status.
Scholarship Duration and Benefits
The Erasmus University Holland Scholarship of € 10.000 is divided into two parts: € 5.000 is utilized as a tuition price reduction, and the remaining € 5.000 is paid to the student in ten monthly installments. The student will get € 5.000, which may be utilized as part of the needed living charge deposit for the immigration procedure.

Documents Needed
Interested candidates must provide the following documents in order to apply:

  • Motivation letter: expressing your motivation to study at Erasmus School of Economics, presenting proof of being an exceptional student, and explaining why the scholarship would increase your chances of studying at Erasmus School of Economics (max. two A4).
  • Financial statement: describe your financial condition and why you need the scholarship.
  • Budget plan: a summary of how you intend to fund your studies in the event that you acquire an Erasmus University Certified copy of your (most recent) academic transcript.
  • A certified certification from your educational institution attesting to your GPA. The GPA template document provided below might be used for this purpose. You can also use a statement provided by your home university, but it is not required.
How to apply
The application process is online and the interested candidate can click on the link. 
visit here to apply

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